What’s New in ARVE Version 7

  • Version 7 will make use of another plugin Shortcake that adds a What You See Is What You Get interface to the [arve] shortcode.
  • New catch all shortcode: [arve url="https://youtu.be/yr0lQJiO3-w"]. This take urls instead if IDs and chooses the privider by itset. This is for two main reasons: 1. It makes it way easier for ARVE to use the Shortcode UI plugin with just one shortcode instead of a single one for every provider. 2. Making the shortcode decide what the provider is has advantages when using ARVE problematically, it was actually a user suggestion. It should have been always this way. Old shortcodes will still work for compatibility reasons but there there is no UI to create them anymore and its discouraged to use them for new videos.
  • SEO friendly video embedding with schema.org data added to the your video embeds.
  • A lot of code improvements.

Pro Addon Version 2

  • Responsive Thumbnail images (HTML 5 srcset).
  • New ‘zoom on hover’ effect for lazyloaded videos instead of the white rectangle animation.
  • Display of a customizable title on top of lazyloaded thumbnails.
  • 3 Hover effect styles to choose from ‘zoom’, ‘rectangle’ or ‘none’ where only the play icon changes
  • 2 Different play icons styles to choose from ‘Youtube style’ or a small white circle.
  • Option to disable all the links in embeds (does only work with HTML5, so will have no effect on providers that require flash)

For a complete list please see the changelog.

4 responses to “What’s New in ARVE Version 7”

  1. Michael Avatar

    Where do I write my feedback to the beta testing?

    1. Nico Avatar

      Probably best on the support site.

  2. Ana Bilandžija Avatar

    Thank You.
    As our old web page was not working proper, we have build a new one using Your plugin.
    Our sencere gratitude for this nice plugin.

    Best regards from Rijeka – Croatia

  3. David Avatar

    When I visited your page the body text said

    Version 7 will make use of another plugin Shortcake that adds a What You See Is What You Get interface to the ARVE Error: Element ID could not be build, please report this bug. shortcode. New catch all shortcode: Matt Mullenweg: Keynote QandA – WordCamp Europe 2015. This take urls instead if IDs and chooses …

    When I clicked the page again I got the normal content.

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