Question: I’m experiencing these errors on Google Search Console:#

– Missing field “thumbnailUrl”
– Missing field “uploadDate”
– Missing field “description”
– Missing field “name”


There are three things you can do. The first is recommended, but if you must, you can use the others.

Option 1 – Purchase ARVE Pro#

You can purchase ARVE Pro, and it fills in the information for you. This is the recommended and easiest way to do it. You do not need to use ARVE shortcodes or blocks and all your videos will get SEO data generated.

Option 2 – Fill in the data yourself#

This is time-consuming, locks you into ARVE because you need to use ARVE shortcodes or blocks for every video. But it’s free, and you can also use this to overwrite anything ARVE fill in with the data it can get with exactly what you like, if needed.

Here is an example shortcode with all the nessesary data to make Google happy:
[*arve url="..." title="This will be used as 'name' for structured SEO data" description="Your description" upload_date="2022-09-11" thumbnail="url or WP media library ID" /]
If you provide a WP media library ID for the thumbnail, ARVE can provide multiple image sizes for the thumbnail, this is the better solution. The shortcode generator dialog can help you get the ID. To get it manually, you can browse your media library and click on the image you want to use and look at the url bar in your browser, it will end with the ID like this .../upload.php?item=123 in that case 123 is the ID.
For the Gutenberg block, the same fields as for the shortcode need to be filled, and a thumbnail needs to be selected in the block’s sidebar options.

Option 3 – Deactivate the generation of SEO data completely#

Not recommended. You will lose the SEO benefits. But you can use this if you want notices from Google to stop, and you not care about that, there is the option on the ARVE settings page to disable SEO data.