If you not like changes and are happy with the old version then do you can downgrade, there are still old versions available on Github versions before 5.9.1 (think 6.0.0 alpha).

I understand that crippling a plugins functionality is frowned upon thats why I give the plugin away for free for users who are used to the thumbnail and lazyload modes. Even with the old versions there! You should have a 100% discount code displayed on your settings page.

What has changed / What you need to do/know.

  1. Lazyload and Thumbnail mode are no longer part of WordPress.org free version of this plugin and need the Pro Addon activated alongside it.
  2. You must install the Pro Addon and enter the license key on your settings page to use and other mode then ‘normal’.
  3. You have to redo your options.
  4. Lazyload mode changed a bit, there is a new rectangle animation on hover and the video will grow to its container size in click. If there is a big demand for it I can introduce a option that will prevent the “grow on click” feature.
  5. ‘thumbnail’ mode is now called ‘lazyload-lightbox’ but the mode switches internally for you so you will not have to edit Shortcodes.
  6. After clicking ‘lazyload’ embeds with a limited width (maxwidth), they will now grow to fill the container they are in.
  7. There are 2 new experimental modes ‘lazyload-fullscreen’ and ‘lazyload-fixed’.
  8. There options page is tabbed now.
  9. jQuery Colorbox dependency is gone for good.
  10. Tons of internal code improvements that the general users will not notice.
  11. Please refer to the changelog and the plugin page for more.

How to get the Pro Addon?

  1. Buy the Pro Addon here.